Texas Tech University.

BECO 5310 Economic Analysis for Business

2014 Summer II

BECO 5310 title image    


Michael Giberson


michael.giberson @ ttu.edu


BA W324 (Until the week of July 21-25; after BA 139Q)


(806) 834-3161

Course description

Studies economic decision making in the context of the markets within which firms compete. Emphasizes how the interactions of these markets affect the formulation and implementation of business strategies.

Course materials

Primary course materials are Daniel Marburger and Ryan Peterson, Economic Decision Making Using Cost Data: A Manager’s Guide (Business Experts Press, 2013) and a “coursepack” of business cases and-readings from Harvard Business Publishing.

The Marburger and Peterson book is available from a variety of sources online--the publisher offers an electronic version for $19.95 at http://ebooks.businessexpertpress.com/Books/9781606495131. Locally, Varsity Books reports they have the book in paperback. The HBP coursepack can be purchased at: https://cb.hbsp.harvard.edu/cbmp/access/27669316.

Additional content will be posted on the course Blackboard site.

Syllabus and course outline

A draft version of the syllabus and course outline is available at this link, the final version will be posted to the Blackboard site.

Students should check the Announcements and Schedule pages on Blackboard frequently during the term to keep up with assignments and the latest class-related information.